
Three members of the UK Iodine Group are involved in EUthyroid, an EU-funded research project to evaluate current national efforts aimed at preventing iodine deficiency disorders across Europe.

Professor John Lazarus, Professor Margaret Rayman, and Dr Sarah Bath are part of the EUthyroid project. 

The project involves 30 European countries and is co-ordinated Professor Henry Völzke, University Medicine Greifswald, Germany. One of the goals of the project is to harmonise and improve iodine intake in Europe.The project will also:

  • Collect standardised data on the iodine intake of the population of each country
  • Compare national measures and dietary habits
  • Harmonise and standardise data collection
  • Analyse the cost-benefit ratio of existing iodine-deficiency prevention programmes
  • Develop appropriate measures towards an improved and unified iodine intake
  • Analysis of three mother-child studies from regions with different iodine intake


Further details of the project can be found in this fact sheet and on the EUthyroid website